
How to start training a puppy

A well-trained puppy is an animal that will grow up to be a nice dog. If you don't train him, when he is an adult, you will have problems...


Dog positive reinforcement training

Positive education consists in educating your dog by taking into consideration his emotional state, his character, his sensitivity, the proposed environment...


Hunting dog puppy

Training a puppy for hunting is a real job that requires a lot of patience and techniques...


Hunting dog training

Training your dog for hunting is a great responsibility for every owner. It requires much more than passion...


Guard dog training

Why make your dog a guard dog? Simply because when you are away, many things can happen at home...


What meat can dogs eat

Giving meat to your dog could not be more natural, as most owners agree that their companions are true carnivores...


Can dogs eat chicken

Today, I would like to give you an update on the place of chicken in dog food, the benefits of this food...


Vegetables dogs can eat

More and more owners are starting to make meat and vegetable rations for their dogs, while others are more reluctant to give their favorite carnivore some greens...


Fruit for dogs

Giving your dog fruit can be tempting, especially when you know the health benefits that these foods have on humans...


Probiotics for dogs

In both humans and dogs, probiotics are receiving increasing attention for their ability to improve the health of the body at a systemic level...


Bones for dogs to chew

If they are sometimes used to maintain the jaw and the teeth of our animals, bones present many risks, sometimes lethal, which largely tip the balance against them...


Dog biscuit

Dog biscuits are baked goods that are very similar to human biscuits, but with ingredients and flavors that are more suited to the tastes and digestive systems of our animal friends...


Good dog treats

The equivalent of human candy, dog treats are small treats that owners give to their pets outside of mealtime, often as a reward or to show love...


Can dogs eat pork

While beef, lamb and rabbit are beneficial, pork is not. If pork is raw, it can even be harmful to your pet's health because of a parasite...


Can i feed my dog ham

Dogs can never resist the smell of ham, whether cooked or raw. However, as we will see, it is better not to include this food in your pet's diet...


Can dogs have fish

The dog can eat fish without any problem, as long as the right doses are used and it is well prepared...


Can my dog eat french fries

Consumption is therefore possible, but only if it is in moderation. These foods should not be given as a meal, but rather as a treat...