
How to properly socialize a puppy

If you're reading this, it's because you're looking for ways to socialize your puppy. I know I'm too good at guessing. But do you know what a socialized puppy is? It is in fact a puppy that knows how to integrate with his fellow dogs and communicate with them and this is very important in his education!

We speak then of intra-specific socialization (within his species). But it is also a puppy that knows how to integrate with other animal species and humans and communicate with them. This is called inter-species socialization (from one species to another).

Now that you know what puppy socialization is, you'll have to get down to business. This is not the most complicated thing to do. You'll have an easier time teaching him socialization than any of the basic commands.

Know that it's your responsibility to make sure your puppy becomes a well-adjusted adult dog, happy with people and animals alike. The pressure is on? Let's go, I'm telling you everything!


Your puppy and human contact

During its life, the dog will be in contact with all kinds of people, big, small, young, old and it is good to get your puppy used to meet people who are different. He needs to get used to strangers. But make sure that these people don't overwhelm him with petting and affection.

It's also important that your puppy gets used to children, as it's likely that he'll come into contact with them during his adult life. If you have children at home, this is not a problem. But if you don't, you're going to have to deal with it. So either you have children or I'll give you an effective and proven solution.

You bring your puppy near a school. You will see that children will automatically approach him to be amazed by your little ball of fur. But be careful they don't overdo it. A puppy gets tired quickly, so don't stay too long in this type of place.





Your puppy and other dogs

This is the crucial element of your dog's socialization: meeting his four-legged friends. My advice is to put your puppy in contact with dogs who are socialized themselves.

You must be very careful on this point, because a bad experience can traumatize your puppy for the rest of his life! An unsocialized adult dog can jump on your puppy, bite him, hurt him, fight and by the time you intervene, it will be too late, your puppy can be traumatized forever!

Meeting an adult dog is important because it will teach him the respect he owes to his elders. Even if he pushes him around a bit to show him who's boss, it's not a big deal. Just make sure it doesn't go any further.

Also, be careful that your puppy doesn't get caught in the paws of a dog that's too big and too playful. He'll be scared straight away.

Want some more advice?

Your puppy has to get used to dogs, don't forget that. It's new to him and to reassure him, you can crouch down next to him when he's with another dog. He knows he will have a fallback if needed and this will reassure him and motivate him to go to the other dog.

We often talk about your puppy meeting other dogs, but you can also introduce him to a cat, a rabbit, an elephant, a horse and so on. He will be even more sociable.


The discovery of new places

And yes, the socialization of a puppy also involves the discovery of new horizons. It is not enough to get him used to the journey from home to the place of the walk. You also have to get him used to different noises from one place to another and to smells.

So you'll get some fresh air too, believe me. Get your puppy used to cars, bikes, trucks, motorcycles - in short, to the sound of traffic. Walk him in a park, then in the street, in the city, at the market, in short almost everywhere. It's raining, snowing, sunny, hot? You walk your puppy anyway. This will get him used to adapting to the changes of daily life.




What about at home?

Socializing a puppy also happens at home. Get him used to the sound of the vacuum cleaner, the TV or the radio. It's silly, but it's important. I once saw a person who turned off the music as soon as his dog came into the room....because he was afraid!

This is an extreme case, but you should know that it can happen and it is out of question to deprive you of things at home because your dog is afraid. It's up to you to get him used to it!

Invite people to your home so that he gets used to seeing other people in his master's house. And then you have the pretext to make aperitifs. Who do we thank?

Another thing I wanted to tell you is to touch your dog's bowl and toys from time to time. This is also part of the learning process. If he growls or worse, if he shows his teeth, punish him. Of course it's his territory and it's his, but you are not safe from a child taking one of his toys one day and it's better if he is used to sharing them!



Socializing a puppy is a very important learning process. A puppy that is not socialized can become a dog with behavioral problems. He can turn into an aggressive dog when someone comes to see you, fight with all the dogs in the neighborhood and so on.

In short, you must take him with you as soon as possible (after the vaccinations) and as often as possible if you want your dog to be well and that the slightest move does not turn into a nightmare!

