
Is it ok to give dogs cheese

As with all dairy products, moderation is key. Cheese is not toxic, but disorders are often caused in some fragile dogs. It contains proteins and calcium, but it is also very fatty. For overweight animals, the risk of weight gain is real with regular consumption. Cheese can be occasionally included in the dog's diet, in a reasonable manner.


The potential risks of cheese for my dog

Animals are often attracted to dairy products such as milk or cheese. They are tasty and very fatty, the dogs' sense of smell cannot resist this greedy appeal. Of course, they contain calcium and proteins, the composition is perfect to improve the bone structure and provide energy on a daily basis. However, there are still risks due to the amount of fat and lactose intolerance. This is not only a problem for humans, but also for animals. Cheese causes digestive problems, diarrhea and flatulence.

The digestion is less complex than with milk because the lactose content is lower. Keep an eye on your animal if you want to give it cheese and, above all, give preference to certain cheeses.


How and how much should I give my dog?

Cheese is not dangerous for a dog's health, but it is often poorly digested by animals with a weak digestion. To limit the risks, choose fresh and natural cheese, because it is less fatty. This is also the case for mozzarella cheese, but remember to squeeze it out. This food is especially interesting for taking medication, because it hides the capsule or tablet which is not always appetizing.

If you really want to give your dog cheese as a reward or to make the kibble a little more palatable, choose low-salt products with a very low fat content. Also, limit consumption to one small dose per week to avoid discomfort.


What can I replace cheese with if I want to give my dog another dairy product to eat?

Lactose is present in all these foods, which is problematic in case of intolerance. The same advice applies to all dairy products, but you can also give your dog low-fat cream for example. Dogs also like classic or fruit yoghurts, but these should be avoided as they are mainly milk-based. The risks are therefore greater than those for cheese. Avoid all sweetened or flavored versions that contain chemicals that can be difficult to digest.

If you want a food that is risk-free, consider kefir. It is a fermented drink that has a slightly creamy appearance. During the summer, you can make small ice creams with just this food. Simply pour the liquid into molds and place them in the freezer for 24 hours. It is much better digested than traditional milk and is a powerful antioxidant.

A good diet is a balanced diet! Think of the different fruits and vegetables such as bananas, strawberries, raspberries, pineapples, watermelon, zucchini, etc. These are excellent sources of vitamins for your pet.


How do I choose the best diet for my dog?

For me, the easiest way is to trust the recognized professionals of the sector. This gives you the assurance to give your dog the right products while simplifying your life. For example, I recommend Ollie products.

It is a company with an excellent reputation that prepares custom recipes for your dog, 100% fresh and delivered directly to your home.

