
Can i feed my dog eggs

You can incorporate eggs in your dog's diet, but it is essential to know that the intake will be different than for humans. By reading our precautions, you will know which part is toxic for your dog and which part is beneficial. Give your faithful friend the right amount of egg by removing the parts that are harmful to him.


The potential benefits of eggs for my dog

The development of your pet is certainly one of your main concerns. To do this, you need to give your dog the right food supplements, without making him sick. Eggs - especially the yolk - are full of vitamins and minerals that are good for your dog. His coat will grow better, his vision will improve and his nails will be healthy. The fact that egg yolk activates biotin is one of the reasons why this is so important for your dog. Therefore, these nutrients, used in the right conditions, will have the advantage of being complementary to his usual meals.


The potential risks of egg for my dog

Not everything in eggs is good for your pet. Indeed, if the egg yolk has many advantages in his diet, it is important to remove the white egg! The latter is rich in greed and should not be ingested by the dog. Indeed, this richness attacks the biotin of your faithful companion. This is what allows your dog to build up and maintain its coat and skin. Thus, if he consumes egg white, the consequences on his skin could be important. Not only will he lose hair, but you will observe relatively serious skin lesions. So make sure you include this food in the best way possible to avoid serious lesions.


How & how much should I feed my dog?

The nutritional needs of animals differ from those of humans. It is important - before embarking on the adventure - to be well informed before giving any food to your dog. Eggs should be introduced intelligently and not overdone. Choose to give him eggs only once a week, not more. This will be enough and will prevent your dog from lacking other nutrients.

The best way to avoid the above mentioned risks is to cook your egg between 4 and 6 minutes. This will allow the white to be cooked and the yolk to be raw. With this precaution, the egg white can be eaten by the dog, along with the yolk.


What can I replace the egg with if I want to feed my dog something else?

Given the potential risks, some dog owners are hesitant about feeding eggs to their pets. If you are one of them, there are other ways to please your dog, such as introducing vegetables and fruits, or even fish into their diet. Sardines and salmon are recommended for fish. For vegetables, your dog will be happy to eat green beans, salad or cucumber. He can also eat rice or ice cubes, if you want to be original. Finally, as far as fruit is concerned, he can enjoy the taste of watermelon, strawberries or mango.


How do I choose the best diet for my dog?

For me, the easiest way is to trust the recognized professionals of the sector. This gives you the assurance to give your dog the right products while simplifying your life. For example, I recommend DogChef products.

It is a company with an excellent reputation that prepares custom recipes for your dog, 100% fresh and delivered directly to your home.

