
Anal glands dog

The dog's anal glands are an unappetizing subject, but it is necessary to look into them in order to be able to take care of your pet's health in all circumstances...


Dog leishmaniasis

Leishmaniasis is a chronic disease caused by parasites transmitted by certain species of mosquitoes...


Dog tumor

Many tumors can afflict our dog friends, and if this term can frighten many owners, it is important to note that the word tumor does not systematically refer to cancer, as one might fear...


Umbilical hernia in dogs

A dog's umbilical hernia occurs when an organ protrudes from its normal cavity, producing a smooth protrusion in the dog's belly button...


How to make a dog vomit

Making a dog vomit can come in handy in certain situations, especially when he has swallowed something he should never have eaten...


Dog warts

Dog warts are small benign tumors, often harmless, but their appearance is particularly unsightly and can put off many owners...


Dog hot spot treatment

A hot spot is a virulent dermatitis that forms a red spot on the dog's skin, usually well-defined and very inflamed...


What is reverse sneezing in a dog

Reverse Sneezing in dogs is one of the most surprising pathologies, in the literal sense of the word, since its occurrence tends to startle both the owner and the animal, with everyone wondering what could have happened...


Blood in dog's stool causes

Seeing blood in your dog's stool can be worrisome, although it is not always a symptom of a serious disease or health problem...


Atopy in dogs

Atopy is a genetic predisposition to allergies, relatively frequent in dogs, which manifests itself by the appearance of skin inflammations...


Herniated discs in dogs

A herniated disc is a common condition affecting the dog's spine. It is very painful and can completely disable the animal, preventing it from moving its back legs normally...


Dog ringworm

Ringworm is a common disease in dogs that causes small skin lesions, rarely virulent in healthy animals...


Papillomatosis dog

Papillomatosis is a viral disease that is recognized by the development of papillomas on the dog's skin, a nice word for warts...


Fever in dogs

Just like humans, dogs can get a fever. It is a natural reaction of the body that can occur in many situations...


Lymphoma in Dogs

Lymphoma is the third most common type of cancer in dogs. This disease, which affects the animal's lymphatic system, unfortunately has a poor prognosis...


Intestinal obstruction in dogs

Intestinal obstruction in dogs is a true life-threatening emergency, which means that prompt veterinary care of your pet is crucial to its survival...


Mastocytoma dog

Mastocytoma in dogs is a relatively common skin tumor in dogs with a guarded prognosis...


Dog swollen pads

A dog can have swollen paw pads for many reasons, and finding the cause of his ailments usually requires a quick health visit to a veterinarian...


My dog is vomiting bile

Gastroenteric disorders are the first reason for veterinary consultation. Seeing a dog vomit bile is not unusual, but this symptom should not be neglected...


Vet collar for dogs

The collar is a veterinary accessory used to prevent a dog from reaching an area of its body with its muzzle or, conversely, from scratching its head with its paws...


Symptoms of hypothyroidism in dogs

Hypothyroidism in dogs is the most common endocrine disorder in dogs. This thyroid hormone deficiency causes many nonspecific symptoms, which can make the diagnosis complex...


My dog threw up blood

A dog vomiting blood can be very worrying for its owner. And rightly so, because while digestive disorders in dogs are common and often benign, the presence of blood in a dog's stool or vomit is undoubtedly an aggravating factor...


Leukemia in dogs

Leukemias are forms of blood cancers well known in humans, but still little studied in dogs...


My dog is constipated

Constipation in dogs can be a cause for concern, especially because it can lead to the fear of a serious underlying condition: intestinal obstruction...


Heart attack in dogs

A dog's heart attack is a life-threatening condition that can affect animals of any age and breed, sometimes without warning...


How to treat typhus

Dog typhus is a serious disease, particularly severe in puppies and much more common than one might think...


Conjunctivitis in dogs

Conjunctivitis is a common condition in dogs, which can be caused by a variety of things, often benign, but sometimes more serious...


My dog vomits white foam

Does your dog suddenly start vomiting foam? This is most often gastric juices, substances that are in his stomach at all times, and which come out on this occasion because your pet has an empty stomach...


My dog vomits yellow

The health of a dog that vomits yellow is not necessarily in danger, but it is necessary to determine the origin of its vomiting in order to properly treat your furry companion and not put it at unnecessary risk...


Dog tick removal

Ticks are parasites that cause serious illnesses and health problems in dogs and humans alike...


Cutting dogs nails

Trimming your dog's nails is an operation that should be done regularly when the animal does not wear out its nails naturally, in order to avoid small problems that can degenerate into more severe health problems...