
Can i feed my dog pasta

When kibble is not so appetizing anymore, owners try to find solutions to diversify their dogs' diet. In many cases the first reflex is to give pasta, but this is actually a very bad idea. Pasta is not toxic or dangerous, but it does promote weight gain. If your dog has a small body size and is not very active on a daily basis, the damage to his health can be numerous in the long term.


The potential risks of pasta for my dog

Humans need to cut back on pasta, and so do our four-legged friends! Yet the price is attractive and usually all it takes is a sauce to make it palatable. Whether you want to give macaroni, linguini or spaghetti, the damage is similar. They are not dangerous or toxic, but some disorders are observed: digestive problems, gluten intolerance, caloric because of the sauces...

For a dog, the most catastrophic diet is composed of pasta and fatty meat like lamb. If the rations are daily, he will gain weight very easily. Health problems can be more serious because of ingredients like garlic.


What should I do if my dog has ingested pasta?

Contrary to chocolate, where a veterinarian's consultation is essential, pasta is not toxic. There is therefore no reason to be overly concerned. If your pet has ingested a large amount of starch, it will be enough to monitor its behavior and make sure that everything is fine. With daily consumption, however, health problems can be significant, including severe weight loss and general weakness. Generally, in the case of vomiting or diarrhea, simply stop feeding and your dog will be back in shape.

Be aware of dehydration, make sure your dog is hydrated regularly by drinking water and if his condition does not improve, go to the vet. However, if the pasta was prepared with garlic, call the Poison Control Centre as this ingredient can be serious for your dog's health. It leads to anemia because of the destruction of red blood cells.


What can I replace pasta with if I want to give my dog another starch to eat?

Not all starchy foods are beneficial, for example potatoes are not recommended as well as pasta. Rice on the other hand is interesting because of its carbohydrate content. It is not fatty and the amount of sodium is limited. It is also a very good source of vitamin D, fiber, calcium and even iron.

Choose brown rice because it contains more fiber and minerals than white rice. However, it should not be your pet's only meal. It can be incorporated into his diet once or twice a week with proteins such as duck, chicken or rabbit. Avoid sauces that promote weight gain; a little extra-virgin and organic olive oil will be ideal since it is also beneficial.


How do I choose the best diet for my dog?

For me, the easiest way is to trust the recognized professionals of the sector. This gives you the assurance to give your dog the right products while simplifying your life. For example, I recommend DogChef products.

It is a company with an excellent reputation that prepares custom recipes for your dog, 100% fresh and delivered directly to your home.

