
Why does my dog eat grass

You have certainly already seen your dog eating grass, and you wonder why and what consequences this behavior can have?

Today I propose to understand why our dear carnivorous friends sometimes enjoy a few blades of grass and especially when you should worry about it.


Why does my dog eat grass?

First of all, you should know that eating grass is a normal part of a dog's life, as is regurgitating/rejecting what he has just swallowed.

It is often said that a dog is purging when he eats grass. This is true in the sense that eating herbs can help a dog eliminate harmful elements such as intestinal parasites from his body, but it should not be seen as a deworming action.

Indeed, eating grass can help the dog to have a better intestinal transit but it does not exempt him from a bi-annual treatment of deworming (prescribed by a veterinarian).

Moreover, be aware that it is often through the ingestion of grass that the dog is contaminated by digestive worm eggs. Therefore, be rigorous about giving your dog a suitable deworming product twice or even four times a year.

But "purging" is not the only reason your dog may be eating grass. Here are a few more!




My dog eats grass by instinct
One of the hypotheses put forward by some specialists is that the dog would reproduce the behavior of its ancestor the wolf who killed herbivorous prey and therefore ate what was in the digestive tract of its prey, namely grass, plants, etc.

My dog eats grass by taste
Even if the most developed sense in the dog is clearly not the taste, indeed, the dog has finally, compared to the Man, very few taste buds (1700 against 10000 in the Man), it is not rare to see dogs showing "food craving". Food craving is characterized by a strong desire to eat this or that food (chocolate for some people for example). Some dogs are very fond of grass, without any particular reason. It is simply important to make sure that the dog does not ingest too much grass or grass treated with chemicals/toxins for example.

My dog eats grass to digest
As mentioned earlier, a dog may eat grass to eliminate whatever is bothering him in his stomach. Thus, eating grass without taking the time to chew it will allow him to vomit afterwards. If this behavior is observed occasionally, it is not considered abnormal. However, if you observe your dog adopting this reflex on a frequent basis, consult your veterinarian quickly because it may hide a disease or an infestation.

My dog eats grass because he has pica syndrome
Do you know about pica syndrome? It is a behavioral eating disorder that causes the dog to ingest different substances that are not initially meant to be eaten (dirt, sand, feces... grass, etc.). So, if you observe your dog eating grass but also other materials considered non-nutritious, and this very regularly, consult your veterinarian quickly because this disorder reveals in many cases a dietary deficiency or a disease. It is necessary to act quickly because the pica disorder can lead, for example, to intestinal occlusions or perforations.





My dog eats grass: what should I do?

The first thing to do is not to worry without having carefully observed your dog for several days. Indeed, if you arrive at the veterinarian's office and you tell him "my dog just ate grass", he could laugh at you.

Here are the different situations for which it will be preferable to consult a veterinarian:

• If your dog eats grass excessively
• If your dog eats grass from one day to the next and always in an excessive manner
• If your dog eats grass that has been treated with chemicals
• If your dog eats grass along with other non-nutritious substances

If and only if one of these 4 reasons is given, then yes, go to your veterinarian with the information so that he can redirect you to the best solution for your dog!