
Is pet insurance worth it for a dog

Dog insurance is often a topic of discussion in the home. Many of us consider our dogs to be an integral part of our family. We try to take care of them as best we can, but unfortunately this task can sometimes prove to be complex, due to lack of information or means.

Indeed, who has never found himself helpless when faced with the distress of his animal?

When our faithful companion is not well, our only recourse is to run to the veterinarian: a saving act, but very often expensive, especially when the situation is particularly serious.

Fortunately, like all the members of your family, your dog can also be insured against everyday hazards, thanks to a dog insurance policy!

To help you make the right choice among the vast panel of dog insurance available on the market, I offer you a small practical guide. So that you never hesitate again before taking your dog to the vet!


What is a dog insurance ? Mutual insurance and civil liability.

There are two types of protection for our dogs:

Dog insurance, comparable to our mutual insurance companies
Dog health insurance is an organization that reimburses veterinary expenses resulting from your dog's health concerns. This type of protection can be offered by insurance companies for humans.

To start your discovery of a dog insurance, it is important to note that, as for health insurance for humans, not all offers are equal. You must therefore carefully choose the dog insurance that best suits your dog's needs as well as your own!

Civil liability insurance covers damage caused by our dog to a third party.
The civil liability insurance covers the damage caused by your dog to a third party. This type of insurance is particularly useful for hunters and owners of category 1 and 2 dogs.

Contrary to dog insurance, the formulas proposed in the framework of a civil liability protection are quite similar among the different insurers.




Why take out dog insurance?

This is a legitimate question, and it applies to animals as much as to people. A civil liability insurance covers you in case of damage caused to a third party.

Its interest is not negligible when you know the exorbitant amounts that can be claimed in case of damage that your dog could cause to a third party or to his property. As for the health insurance for dogs, it works in the same way as a mutual insurance for humans.

Generally speaking, we insure our pet with a dog health insurance for two main reasons: to avoid spending large sums of money in case of an unforeseen event, accident or illness and to avoid depriving our pet of necessary care.

A dog insurance against the unexpected
By insuring your dog, you will be investing a certain amount of money in a service that will guarantee that you will be able to take care of him, whatever the cost. Nevertheless, no one wants to see their pet suffer, so the goal is that you don't have to use this health insurance. In this context, it may be difficult to see the point of paying for a service that you dream of never using.

However, it is the only way to avoid putting our pet at risk, preferring to bet that he will never have health problems during his life. Because if your dog needs extended care, a simple operation or a stay of several nights in a clinic, your veterinary budget will simply explode. And since this type of event does not come easily, there is no guarantee that you will have the financial means to save your dog when the time comes.

Health insurance to protect your dog on a daily basis
As with humans, animals do much better when they have proper medical care. Regular check-ups with your veterinarian will help you prevent certain health problems, as well as detect and treat certain pathologies early enough to save your pet. Unfortunately, veterinary consultations are not free, and if care must be prescribed following a simple check-up, the bill will only increase.

A simple blood test, x-ray or ultrasound usually costs hundreds of dollars. For these reasons, many owners prefer to believe that their dogs do not need regular medical check-ups, unlike us humans. As a result, many illnesses are detected too late for the veterinarian to do anything, and our dogs suffer more or less severely.

By offering your dog health insurance, you will no longer have to worry about the cost of medical procedures: a crucial point in taking care of your dog! As they say, prevention is better than cure!

Ideally, a healthy dog should see the vet at least once a year. These regular check-ups allow you to monitor his health and prevent chronic diseases, such as pancreatitis, diabetes, kidney failure or cardio-respiratory problems, whose prognosis gets worse the longer the diagnosis is delayed.

It also helps to ensure that your dog does not suffer in silence, as many pets unfortunately do. Unlike humans, dogs have a bad habit of not letting on that they are in pain until they are really sick.




How does dog insurance work?

Dog insurance works in much the same way as health insurance for humans. You will have to choose among several protection packages, which differ according to the insurance companies. As for our mutual insurance, the most expensive plans are generally the most complete, but not the best!

It is therefore not necessary to ruin yourself to protect your dog properly. Your choice should depend entirely on your dog's needs and your financial constraints.


How to be reimbursed by your dog insurance ?

Depending on the plan you choose, some veterinary procedures will be reimbursed, either in whole or in part. The amounts reimbursed are specified in your contract, so you must carefully choose the dog insurance that corresponds to your pet's needs.

As with any contract, be sure to read the fine print to see which procedures are covered and which are excluded from your plan. When you pay for a veterinary procedure that is reimbursed by your dog insurance, all you have to do is send the necessary documents to your company in order to be compensated.

Please note that deadlines vary from one dog insurance company to another: some do not reimburse procedures that are more than 15 days old, while others give you one year to send them your claims.

Generally, these documents consist of an invoice and a treatment sheet, sometimes accompanied by a prescription. Unlike doctors, veterinarians do not distribute treatment sheets: you will have to print this document yourself and have it filled out by your veterinarian during each consultation.

As for the invoice, you just have to ask your veterinarian for it when you pay!

