
Cat peeing in house

Urinary problems are common in cats. A consultation with a veterinarian is recommended at first to exclude a behavioral or health problem. The hypothesis of a litter box that is not suitable for the animal should be considered at a later stage.


Reminder of the main causes of urinary malpractice in cats

Sometimes cats urinate outside their litter box: this is called urinary malpractice.

If a cat has never been toilet trained (especially in the case of kittens), it is possible that the cat is not toilet trained. In this case, the animal should be taught to use its litter box.

The fact that a cat urinates outside its litter box can also be due to a health problem such as cystitis, kidney failure, etc..

Behavioral problems can lead to uncleanliness. Any change in the pet's environment can cause anxiety and result in uncleanliness.

It is important to always consult a veterinarian first before considering the litter box as a possible cause of uncleanliness. Behavioral and medical causes should be ruled out as a first step.


How can the litter box be responsible for urinary malpractice?

There are several things to consider about the litter box if your cat poops in the house:


The type of litter

The litter must be suitable for your cat. There are several types of litter: mineral, vegetable, etc... Each cat has its own preferences and it is necessary to determine which one suits it best.

The litter box (or toilet house) must be large enough: sometimes large plastic storage boxes are the best solution. The cat should be able to get in from the muzzle to the tip of the tail stretched diagonally.

Some cats do not like covered litter boxes, others the doors of toilet houses ...

It is also necessary that senior cats, arthritic cats, etc... can easily access their litter box.


The number of litter boxes

It is advisable to install one more litter box than the number of cats. Some cats do not like to urinate and defecate in the same litter box. In addition, many cats refuse to relieve themselves in a litter box where there is already feces. A litter box must also be accessible to all cats in the household at all times. Litter boxes should be placed in different rooms.


Location of the litter box

Litter boxes must be placed in quiet places that are easily accessible by the animal. The cat must be able to see danger coming and to flee: it is therefore not recommended to place the litter box at the end of a corridor, in a closet, etc... This also explains why some cats do not appreciate toilet houses.


The hygiene of the litter box

A good hygiene is necessary: it is necessary to remove the needs once or twice a day and to clean completely the litter box once a week.

