
Adaptil for dogs

Your companion is naturally anxious or is facing a period of stress? Don't leave him in this state: stress leads to risks for his health and puts you, too, in danger!

A stressed dog can become aggressive towards his environment and his owner. He can also develop behavioral problems that will affect his physical and mental health. One of the solutions to soothe your dog is pheromones, a soothing substance naturally produced by bitches to reassure their puppies.

The Adaptil brand offers various products based on synthesized pheromones that will help you calm your companion.


What is Adaptil for dogs?

Adaptil products are marketed by the Ceva brand, they exist in several forms and meet the needs of animals facing temporary or permanent stress.

The various products in the range are suitable for dogs and puppies alike, and are extremely safe!





What is the composition of Adaptil products?

The composition of the different Adaptil products varies according to their form. Some formulas are based on pheromones, and others on amino acids. Most of these substances are already naturally present in your dog's body.


Adaptil calming sprays, diffusers and collars

These three products are composed of pheromone analogues of nursing bitches. When bitches nurse their puppies, they release a hormone-like substance that serves as a "reassuring message". This gives the puppies a message that they can feel safe and can feed in peace.

These pheromones can only be perceived by dogs, they are odorless for all other species of animals, including humans!


Adaptil tablets

Adaptil tablets are not composed of pheromones, but of active substances with relaxing properties. They work more like Zylkene tablets and do not involve the notion of a "reassuring message".

Unlike sprays, diffusers and collars, the tablets contain natural amino acids (GABA, L-theanine, L-tryptophan and B vitamins).




How do these products work?

Adaptil sprays, diffusers and collars transmit a "reassuring message" to your dog or puppy. Pheromones are used by animals, humans and even plants to communicate with each other. The tablets are made up of different amino acids.

GABA is a neurotransmitter, a chemical compound produced naturally by living beings. It inhibits the excitation of the neurons which occurs in the event of stress and causes a nervousness of the dog.

L-theanine is a molecule naturally present in tea that has relaxing properties and promotes the production of GABA.

L-tryptophan promotes the secretion of serotonin, a chemical produced by the body to regulate mood, stress and sleep. Finally, B vitamins are essential for maintaining a healthy body, including the nervous system.


How to use Adaptil?

Ideally, Adaptil tablets should be given to your dog with the prior agreement of your veterinarian. They contain active substances that can be harmful if used incorrectly.

Sprays, diffusers and collars can be used without your veterinarian's approval. These products do not belong to the class of veterinary drugs and are therefore not dangerous when used according to the instructions in the leaflet.

If your dog is likely to be confronted with a stressful situation, you can give him Adaptil to help him get through it more calmly. To do this, please respect the following dosages:

- Dogs under 10 kg: 1 half tablet
- Dogs from 10 to 20 kg: 1 tablet
- Dog from 20 to 30 kg : 2 tablets
- Dog over 30 kg: 3 tablets

Adaptil tablets are not intended to soothe a stressed dog on a daily basis, but to reassure your dog in a specific situation (fireworks, travel, storm...).

Give only one dose to your dog, 2 hours before the stressful event. If necessary, you can give him a new dose 6 hours after the first one.

Do not prolong this treatment: the tablets are designed to tranquilize your dog during a particular event and not over a long period. You can give these tablets directly, or mix them with your dog's food. The tablets are palatable, so your dog should swallow them without fuss!





Calming sprays, diffusers and collars for dogs: instructions for use

The sprays, diffusers and collars of this brand are adapted to all dogs and puppies facing prolonged stressful situations (adoption, moving, arrival of a new animal...). Each product is used differently, as follows:

The sprays are to be sprayed on the basket, the transport crate or any other support housing your molosser. Spray the product twice a day, with or without another Adaptil product.

If you are using the spray to soothe your dog during a trip, apply it to the crate at least 15 minutes before taking him inside. The crate should be cleaned beforehand, and the operation repeated for each trip.

The diffusers can be plugged in near where your dog sleeps or in the room where you leave him while you are away. When adopting a new pet, plug in the diffuser near his basket at least 24 hours before his arrival.

This product has a 30-day shelf life, and to be effective, it must be plugged in continuously for this period.

Calming collars are placed around your dog's or puppy's neck in the same way as a flea collar. Be sure to place them in contact with your dog's skin, as it is your dog's body heat that causes the pheromones to spread. This product must be worn continuously for 4 weeks.


What precautions should be taken with Adaptil products?

There are no known contraindications, drug interactions or side effects resulting from the use of Adaptil products. However, in the case of tablets, we recommend that you speak to your veterinarian before using them for the first time.

However, there are certain precautions that must be taken to protect your dog's health and yours. The spray must never be sprayed directly on the dog: it is reserved for its environment only. The collar must not be used to hang a leash, it is not designed for this use and could break.

The diffuser must be handled with all the usual precautions intended for electrical appliances. Do not touch it with wet hands, for example. The product in the dispenser is toxic: avoid ingesting it or letting your dog swallow it. Wash your hands thoroughly after handling it, and avoid contact with your eyes and your dog's eyes.

Some birds may be disturbed by Adaptil diffusers, and the substances contained in this product may be deposited in the water of aquariums. Although the active ingredients in the diffusers are non-toxic, it is recommended not to connect them in the same room as your aquariums or bird cages.




Are Adaptil products for dogs really effective?

First of all, please note that Adaptil products are not veterinary drugs. They may bring comfort to your dog, but they cannot cure a pathology. For these products to be effective, first make sure that your dog's symptoms are really due to stress.

Nervousness, behavioral changes, depression or other symptoms that may be mistaken for anxiety often mask a very different illness.

If your dog is highly stressed, veterinary treatment may be more appropriate. Some dogs are "sick" from stress, and only the right medications prescribed by your veterinarian can treat them.

To prevent the stress that can occur when adopting a dog, puppy or adult, Adaptil remains a very good solution. It is a "gentle" treatment that avoids leaving your pet in a state of distress, without overloading it with sedatives.

Adaptil products are just as effective at relaxing a dog that is anxious when you leave it alone or when you invite people over. If you move, they will also help your dog feel at home in his new environment more quickly.

The tablets have a very fast and remarkable action on dogs in the grip of a temporary panic. Their effect is almost immediate and lasts up to 6 hours!


Spray, diffuser, collar or tablet... which product should I choose to soothe my dog?

All Adaptil products, except the tablet, have the same properties. They can be used simultaneously or separately, and the choice is made more in terms of practicality of use.

The Adaptil Junior collar is designed for puppies over 8 weeks old. It will help them to overcome the stage of their adoption and the separation from their mother. This product can be combined with the spray and the diffuser for a better efficiency.

The Adaptil Calm collar is intended for adult dogs. It soothes them in all circumstances, unlike the diffuser which is only effective between the walls of the home where it is connected. The sprays allow you to reassure your dog when you travel. You can spray them in your car and in your dog's carrier.

The tablets will calm your dog during an event that is a source of stress for him: storm, fireworks, reception during which he will meet many strangers ... They are reserved for occasional use, unlike sprays, collars and diffusers that act over time.



Questions regularly submitted by our readers, and which will surely interest you. If you have another question, contact us or ask a veterinarian!

Can I use Adaptil on a puppy?
Adaptil Junior collars are specially designed for puppies over 8 weeks old. Before that age, ask your veterinarian for advice. Please note that for your dog's well-being and future balance, you should avoid separating him from his mother before he is 8 weeks old. Sprays and diffusers are suitable for animals of any age. Adaptil tablets do not stipulate a minimum age or weight for use. Although this medication is safe, ask your veterinarian for advice before giving it to a young puppy. Amino acids in too high a concentration can be harmful. In addition, GABA produces the opposite effect of that desired in very young living creatures.

Can I use an Adaptil product on a pregnant or nursing bitch?
Yes, Adaptil products are not contraindicated in these situations, so they can be used on a pregnant or nursing bitch. As far as the tablet is concerned, a phone call to your veterinarian will ensure that you do not make any mistakes.

Can Adaptil be used to calm a cat?
No, the pheromones contained in Adaptil products are only effective on dogs. However, they are safe for other animals. As for the tablets, they are intended for dogs only. Do not attempt to give them to your cat, as this could endanger its health!

Where to buy Adaptil products?
Adaptil products are available over the counter without a prescription. You can find them in online parapharmacies, on specialized websites or directly at your veterinarian's office and in pharmacies. However, the best prices are often available on Amazon.

